
Wilderness Techie

I'm a tech guy. Computers mostly, web design, programming, etc. I've even tried my hand at raytracing. I live with my family on a 120 acre farm in south Missouri with any number of chickens, a horse, two ponies, 5 dogs, 29 cats, a few ginueas, about 80 goats or so and some Kikos, a bourke parakeet, 2 budgeragars, 2 lovebirds and 5 cockatiels. Oh, and about 25 head of cattle too; forgot about those. lol :)

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Location: Summersville, Missouri, United States

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

I wasn't going to do this but as is obvious I changed my mind.

Happy Thanksgiving all dont eat too much.

Ok, that over, I'll say some things I'm thankful for this year.

  • That God has been so merciful to me over this year, I have gone through alot emotionally and am growing stronger. I feel a sense of freedom that is pure and peace that I have never felt before. May I always be true to Him as He is to me.
  • My birds. All 17 of them :) Even though they get into trouble and are so bratty at times.
  • This is the first year I have friends that I can actually call my friends and mean it. :)
  • For all the problems and pains in life. Without them there would be no happy times. I need the up and down flow of life to be able to appreciate the good times when they come, yes good times always return.

Well hope you all have a great day and I know I will attempting to have a GF, LF, YF and CF thanksgiving! lol


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