
Wilderness Techie

I'm a tech guy. Computers mostly, web design, programming, etc. I've even tried my hand at raytracing. I live with my family on a 120 acre farm in south Missouri with any number of chickens, a horse, two ponies, 5 dogs, 29 cats, a few ginueas, about 80 goats or so and some Kikos, a bourke parakeet, 2 budgeragars, 2 lovebirds and 5 cockatiels. Oh, and about 25 head of cattle too; forgot about those. lol :)

My Photo
Location: Summersville, Missouri, United States

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Don't Wait! Do Something NOW!

March 30, 2006

Not Registering - walterj 6:32 am

When they find out about the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) some people say to me, “I just won’t register.” Yes, you might get away with that but I would not suggest taking that as a policy. The reason is quite simple. The fines can easily be $1,000 or even more per incident per day. Each unregistered animal you have could count as a seperate incident. How many chickens do you have? 10? Well, that comes to $10,000 per day in fines. Lets say they wait and enforce the rule on you after three months. That is 93 x $10,000 = $930,000 in fines for non-compliance. They will take your home, your land, your livestock, your vehicles, your savings, everything. Without a home you won’t have a farm or a place to come home to after work. You probably won’t have a job - few homeless people can keep their jobs. You would be destitute. Ask yourself, “Do you really want to start over from scratch at this point in your life?”

Simply thinking, “I won’t register” is not good enough. You must fight NAIS now while you still have the chance to have an effect. Leave comments with the USDA. Write Neil Hammerschmidt, the USDA Animal ID Coordinator. Write your state department of agriculture. Write your legislative representatives at both the state and federal levels in the House and Senate. Write your governor. Write the President or call him at 1-800-696-6322 where you can leave comments with a live operator. Write letters to the editor to your your local newspapers. Put a bumper sticker on your car. Hang up posters. Pass around handouts.

Spread the word. The more people who know about the harmful effects of NAIS the more people who will get upset and do something about it. Don’t be lazy and think you can just get away without registering. Sticking your head in the sand won’t make the NAISties go away.


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another reason to boot McDonalds

This figures. » McDonald’s Greed

RFID Zapper

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!
Here is an article on how to make a RFID zapper homemade, from the RFID Journal website.

*Looks around for a ride to the camera shop*

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Its everywhere!!!

Adsense is everywhere! Is this a sign? lol
Rhea Perry, Joel Comm, now Stu McLaren!
Its the talk of the town! Hmmm. Hope I'll have a reason to talk about it soon too ;)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Adsense and the new idea

Wooo... It's been precisely too long huh. Sorry bout that.

Anyways, last night I was on a conference call which I got VIP access to with Joel Comm, aka Dr. Adsense. Wow am I excited! Not just because of the call, but also because I stumbled onto what I hope and am pretty sure is going to be a big hit! I am still in the initial development stages of the site, but I hope to get it up and running very soon.

For those who don't know Joel Comm, he is actually the guy who, along with his buddy, built one of the first online multiplayer websites ever, and that site eventually got the attention on Yahoo! and they ended up buying it from him and that site is what is now known as Yahoo! games. He is a christian homeschool dad, BTW, and really knows his stuff about adsense.

I can't wait to try out some of the techniques on the new site!

Have a great day yall! ^___^