
Wilderness Techie

I'm a tech guy. Computers mostly, web design, programming, etc. I've even tried my hand at raytracing. I live with my family on a 120 acre farm in south Missouri with any number of chickens, a horse, two ponies, 5 dogs, 29 cats, a few ginueas, about 80 goats or so and some Kikos, a bourke parakeet, 2 budgeragars, 2 lovebirds and 5 cockatiels. Oh, and about 25 head of cattle too; forgot about those. lol :)

My Photo
Location: Summersville, Missouri, United States

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Cold and Lazy

-A Piece of History-

with Andrew

Years ago, we would make ice using the plastic trays and having 8 kids in the family demands quite a supply. We had a number of trays always in the freezer, oh probably around 6 trays or so at any given time. One problem though, was at times you could go for ice, and theres up to 5 empty trays in the freezer!
Dad discovered this problem, analyzed the situation, and came up with a soloution... He passed a family rule that; "Whoever uses the last ice cube in the tray, that person is required to fill the tray and return it to the freezer"...
A week later he checks the freezer again for ice, and sure enough, every tray was empty, except for ONE ice cube left in the corner of each tray.

Tune in next

time for the next "A Piece of History"!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Archery Event

This is late, sorry.

Autumn Arrows 2005


Saturday, October 15, 2005

Worst job?

A while ago I read where someone had seen a show on TV where they were showing the top worst jobs ever. As in grossest etc.
One was of a job where someone has to determine the sex of baby chicks. The way this is done is by squeezing the chick and thus making the post-digested food exit the bird in high velocity. As far as the worst job goes, this has its merits.

But in my mind, this is nothing compared to something I was made aware of about a week ago.

Attention world, we have found THE worst job.

My dad was going with a neighbor to drop off some cattle at the sale barn, and, he decided to check out the 'behind-the-scenes' of the operation. Among other jobs, this is what he saw that I proclaim the worst job.

The cattle are sent down a path in the prep area to an immobilzer, where await half a dozen people with various needles and test equipment. One man there had the job of doing the 'pregnancy test' on the cows, which is a requirement before selling to know if a cow is pregnant or not. He had a clear plastic glove that went all the way up to his shoulder. The way he does the 'test', is he simply, shoves his arm into the cow, and feels to see if there is a calf inside! Can you guess what happens when something like that is done to any animal? umm, shall we say, lunch... post-lunch... also exits. At this point the guy's arm is completely inside the animal.
Need I explain that the close proximity to the post-lunch exit area does not in any way shape or form meet even the lowest of human cleanliness standards?

Let's just hope its not the same guy every week.

P.S. If you have any doubt and perhaps are considering a job in this field, let me give you a bit of advice... no matter who you are planning to meet that day, DO NOT wear your tuxedo or the dry cleaners will kill you.

Friday, October 14, 2005

My friends wear feathers

I've got birds. 17 of them. 4 species.
I have 2 budgies, I love them, they don't love me though, isn't it strange how that works?
Let me introduce them to you.

Summer - He was my first bird ever. Summer is a light green pied coloration. He is a tiny ball of huge energy. He spends the entire morning (at least, until I get out of bed lol) chirping and squawking his little beak off.

Rosie - She is a scared birdy. If you happen to be able to catch her, she bites. It was instant love between her and Summer when I brought her home. She will chirp also but not as much, though it may be a bit louder.

I wanted to tell you about this yahoo group I am a part of. IMO it is THE best group I have ever been a part of. First let me tell you how it came about that I found this wonderful place.

About 2 months after I got Summer, I decided it might be fun to try and find some other people who have birds, particularly budgies. So I got online and did a search on 'parakeet chat', 'budgie chat', etc. And came across a page detailing how to go about accessing a place called BudgieChat on mIRC. I downloaded the program and joined the room at the time listed on the page. Well I ended up meeting some great people from across the nation, and world, even.
For some reason, after attending the chats for a few months I slacked off and eventually quit going altogether....

After approx. 8 months to a year after that I re-joined a yahoo group I was a member of for a while called "BudgieList". My plan was to join for only a few days then quit again because I was pretty busy then. So I posted a message and after about 3 days it finally goes online :P
Anyways a day or so after the message went through I got a yahoo IM from one of the people I had met on the BudgieChat IRC room, saying she thought she should "bug ya" and let me know about this group called LittleFeatheredBuddies. I said sure I'll check it out and I joined and can you believe it after about a week they made me a moderator! (I guess they were hiring) :P

The thing that sets this group above the rest are the members. In other groups most members are just a name on a list. On LFB, each name means alot more than that; each is a real person, an individual who cares about others and their birds as well as their own. THIS is what makes a good group GREAT.

I am also a moderator on some larger groups, up to 600 members. That's nice and all, in its own way, but the good thing about a smaller group is its like family, people can get to know each other better than in a giant group. And let me tell you, if your concerned about message count, some days LFB moves more messages than the larger groups do!

Well, there's my rave about our group. I feel it is something all the moderators AND members can be proud of. I know I am!

Occasionally, I still take time and ponder the whole course of events that lead to this in the first place. I mean, to me, the whole thing is divine appointment. What are the chances that I would, after all that time, decided to join a group I left in the first place because of some problems I had with it for "just a few days"? And then my friend decides to 'bug ya' just then, and... well, you just read it. :P

LFB : Small Birds, Big Hearts
Wanna join? ;)