
Wilderness Techie

I'm a tech guy. Computers mostly, web design, programming, etc. I've even tried my hand at raytracing. I live with my family on a 120 acre farm in south Missouri with any number of chickens, a horse, two ponies, 5 dogs, 29 cats, a few ginueas, about 80 goats or so and some Kikos, a bourke parakeet, 2 budgeragars, 2 lovebirds and 5 cockatiels. Oh, and about 25 head of cattle too; forgot about those. lol :)

My Photo
Location: Summersville, Missouri, United States

Monday, November 28, 2005

Practicing Japanese

I had a conversation with the kitty today.
It went something like this:

*grabs cat*

hey ネコ

hey ネコ ネコ ネコ

バタ ネコ デス カ

バタ バタ バタ ネコ

ネコ ネコ ネコ

(hey イヌ)

ネコ ネコ ネコ

バタ ネコーーーーーーー

And so on and so on ...

Friday, November 25, 2005

The Lonely Flute

I feel bad for my flute, its sitting here squished between the keyboard and the laptop. It looks like it wants to be played. :'(

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

I wasn't going to do this but as is obvious I changed my mind.

Happy Thanksgiving all dont eat too much.

Ok, that over, I'll say some things I'm thankful for this year.

  • That God has been so merciful to me over this year, I have gone through alot emotionally and am growing stronger. I feel a sense of freedom that is pure and peace that I have never felt before. May I always be true to Him as He is to me.
  • My birds. All 17 of them :) Even though they get into trouble and are so bratty at times.
  • This is the first year I have friends that I can actually call my friends and mean it. :)
  • For all the problems and pains in life. Without them there would be no happy times. I need the up and down flow of life to be able to appreciate the good times when they come, yes good times always return.

Well hope you all have a great day and I know I will attempting to have a GF, LF, YF and CF thanksgiving! lol

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


I put together these banner ads last night for my store.
Kinda cheap looking, but better than nothing.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Buzzin' Around

Yesterday I was at a friend's house for lunch and helping them cut down a bee tree. It was exciting and fun! The bees had a section of the hollow tree they used for their hive and we cut it open with the chainsaw and got the comb out after cutting the tree down first of course. There was quite a bit of honey in there. We put the comb into buckets and brought it back up to the house. The honey was sorted out in the bathtub, and afterwards there were piles of bees in the tub lol, the ones that stayed on the comb when it was put into the buckets.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

The one that survived

Ok, more on fish.

One of the fish we had was a purple betta. (are they all purple? I dont know)
It was one tough fish, IMO.
The following story should show how tough the little guy actually was.

Ok, next brother (other than the two in the other stories) decides he's bored. So he takes some string, and a metal nut, and ties the string to it. Of course what joys are to be found by swinging something around! So he starts, lets out some string... more string... a bit more... then WHACK! It hit the aqua (ok ok lookit now I'm calling it that) broke a hole in the side of it and water came streaming out. well anyways i gather all the fish up and put them in a small bowl. They had to live in the bowl for a few days until we got a new tank. All the fish died expect that betta :(

I dont remember how the betta finally died but it lived for a long time.

Feeding Fishes

Ok years ago, probably at least 6 or so, I used to have fish.
I'd do all that needs to be done, feeding, cleaning water, filters, gravel, all that stuff. I didnt mind it at all. It was really enjoyable.

One day my brother (2 yrs younger than me) was feeding the fish. Nothing wrong with that part. I should mention we fed the fish with the dry flake food. So my bro was holding the open can of food and dad decides to surprise him. He sneaks up behind my bro and gives him a shake and yells BOO! My brother jumped a mile high and in so doing shook the can of fish food in the air and I look over and theres a CLOUD of fish food slowly floating to the ground.

Next was little brother. He sees the can of fish food. He sees fish. He opens tank lid, and inverts can of food. Now the tank is a cloud of food. Little bro says "Look, I feeded the dolphins!"

More later, but I can safely say, our fish went through ALOT.

Need some strangs!

Yerp thats speled raght! Its the way them yeehaw guys talk.

Well anyways Ive got a friend who told me this story. He wanted to get a new guitar right? So he goes into town and asks a guy at the supermarket if he knew where he could go to get a new guitar. The guys tells him, oh thars a place just down the road a ways, take a left and its by that big 'ol pine tree. So he goes down the street takes a left and at the 'big ol pine tree' he sees a car repair shop. He's like hmm. He goes inside and asks the owner , hey wheres this guitar store? He says, "raght here, we got goo tars"

Friday, November 18, 2005


Yes those, and others.

This morning when I woke up I heard a noise, like a scratching coming from by my desk. There is a paper bag there, and I assumed a bird had landed in there again and needed to be fetched out.
I looked in the bag, no bird. Next, check bird cages. Summer, Rosie, Indy, BB1, BB2 all accounted for. hmmmm
Time to investigate. Arming myself with a nearby plastic juggling club, I made the move. First moving the attache spy garment bag, then some newspapers, I found the source of the noise. A thin tail, like a whip moved out from under the next paper then back under. The soloution?
I took the club, and whacked the newspaper all over. When I lifted the paper, there it was, a tiny mouse that must have been eating my newspapers. How it got in my room I have nooo idea! I checked behind my desk and no holes or anything. It must have been the same one I heard running around on my ceiling the night of the worm invasion. So I gave it to the cats.

Life can be strange! lol

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Flash fact!
I can speak in 4 languages. See below...

The Neko-eem Blanco


The - the (hopefully you know english! ^^)
Neko - Cat - Japanese
eem - plural word addition in Hebrew
Blanco - white - Spanish

All in english: The white cats

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


I decided to move the carrot salad recipe to a new blog since I plan on posting a bunch more of those. Its called Food Is Art and is located HERE

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Moved: Recipe: Carrot Salad

Moved to FoodIsArt


I decided to add a Neko to my blog!

If you want to play with Neko, click on him (the white cat on top of the blogger logo, top left)

Neko is the Japanese word for cat. ^_^

Neko thanks to

General Read Error

I had something I was planning on writing about today but I forgot!
I was thinking about it all last night and this morning but when I finally decide "ok lets put it up" I forget!
Where's the Dell for brains when you need them???

Saturday, November 12, 2005


The story of how coffee was invented, Andrew version... 
 Juan: Hey Pedro! 
 Pedro: What Juan? 
 Juan: Look at these beans I found in the back yard! 
 Pedro: Hmm, white ones eh? Where were they growing? 
 Juan: Over on that tree. I was thinking I would cook 'em. 
 Pedro: Oh yea, you gonna make flour out of them huh? or boil them? 
 Juan: Nah I was thinking of baking them. 
 Pedro: Baking them? Just plain? 
 Juan: Yea just plain I figured it would be interesting. 
 Pedro: Ok. 
 Juan: Ahhh! The beans I forgot about them! 
 Juan: Arggg. The are burnt Pedro! Can you believe that? 
 Pedro: Yea, you forget stuff like that. Now they are wasted. 
 Juan: No, I think I'll grind them. 
 Pedro: ??? I told you you should have done that before! 
 *grind grind* 
 Pedro: Hey that smells pretty good Juan. 
 Juan: Yea your right. *sniff sniff* 
 Juan: Hmm... Let's see, now I'll soak it. Mwahahahaaa! 
 Juan: Boiling water hahahahahahaaa! 
 Pedro: Juan cut it out your wasting time! 
 Juan: Nah just let me soak this burnt bean flour. 
 Pedro: *Sigh* Juan: Hmmm... Black water... 
 *feels crazy* 
 Pedro: What did you expect, crazy Juan! 
 Juan: Ahh, this should fix it. 
 *pour pour* 
 *stir stir* 
 Juan: Wow the sugar fixed it! It tastes good Pedro! Try some! 
 Pedro: No way! That brew could kill me who knows! 
 Pedro: Hey thats good! But too hot. 
 Pedro: Hmm 
 Pedro: ahh a little cream did the trick! 
 ... Juan: *whisper* Hey Pedro... 
 Pedro: Eh Juan? 
 Juan: Can't sleep. 
 Pedro: Why? 
 Juan: Dunno 
 Juan: Can't just lie here 
 *gets up* 
 Juan: Can't see! 
 Pedro: Its 10 o'clock whadda you expect. 
 Juan: Owwww


Today we went to the neighbors and picked out 20 goats. My brother is starting a goat business and this is his first investment.
Among others the goats are boer/spanish cross, spanish/nubian, even a boer/spanish/pigmy mix.
These we will have bred to the other neighbor's top Kiko. Eventually we will sell off the ones we just bought and go to all kiko or kiko/boer cross.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

What food are you?

Ok, I couldnt take it any longer, so I took the quiz and here's the results...

You Are Japanese Food

Strange yet delicious.
Contrary to popular belief, you're not always eaten raw.

(Hmm, why am I not surprised?)

New layout

I gave my shop a new layout that I actually like and it looks good (at last)

Check it out if you wish:


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Unusual activities

Out of the darkness comes a voice...

*Where were you on the night of November the 8th at midnight?*

Me: Uh, who me?

*Yes, you*

Me: I was at home, in my room.

*What were you doing?*

Me: Uhh, do you really want to know?

*Yes, I want to know, I asked you didn't I?*

Me: Ok, Ill tell you...

*Go ahead*

Me: I was gathering worms.

*Gathering worms? In your room?*

Me: Yes. Well actually it was more like picking worms

*Picking? Like picking up?*

Me: No, more like picking down.

*Picking down? From where?*

Me: The ceiling


Me: That's exactly what I said last night.

*So on the night of November the 8th at 12 midnight you were picking worms off the ceiling in your room?*

Me: Yes.


*Uh, tell me... Do you like fishing?*

Me: Not particularly, why?

*Just wondering*

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

He lives! (The cat)

Well guess what... Yesterday morning he was on the porch! No visible problems whatsoever!
Carmel has 8 lives now I guess.

Wow wow we were so sure he was a goner. What a suprise blessing. :)

Will get a photo.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sad day

Today one of our cats died. :(

Dad accidentally ran over him with the car then he hid under the house to die.

Carmel was a white and tan Balanese, simply beautiful.

This post is in remembrance of him.

I really hope we have a picture of him, if so I will post it when I find it.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Bad Birdy

Got a clip of Indy trying something new...

View Video

Techie facts: Original file was over 5.67 megs, I compressed it with XviD compression and brought it down to 1.93 megs.

Gotta love VirtualDubMod!

Is it really friday?


Its felt like friday night every evening for the past 4 nights...
Ugg, I'm soo out of whack right now.
Well, friday is actually here this time so hopefully after the weekend it will reset and feel normal again.

X_x <--me

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Musical Endeavors

Finally got my guitar fixed... Yay now I can play agian! Also thanks to my mom and dad kindly getting me the next lesson dvd.
Since it's been so long since I last played the guitar my fingers are going through the sore ow-ow phase again...

Here's a pic of my newly restored guitar that has to be tuned every 15 mins or so:

Yes that's duct tape. ^_^

(Nihongo hanasemasen)