Wilderness Techie
I'm a tech guy. Computers mostly, web design, programming, etc. I've even tried my hand at raytracing. I live with my family on a 120 acre farm in south Missouri with any number of chickens, a horse, two ponies, 5 dogs, 29 cats, a few ginueas, about 80 goats or so and some Kikos, a bourke parakeet, 2 budgeragars, 2 lovebirds and 5 cockatiels. Oh, and about 25 head of cattle too; forgot about those. lol :)
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005
Reel Nutmeg Link
Also, it is the info page for a dance group my group had a joint project going with, a few years ago. I've moved since then, and am missing those times.
Reel Nutmeg
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Group life
6 months ago my titles were are follows
Moderator on OnlineBirdClub; http://groups.yahoo.com/group/onlinebirdclub/
Moderator on Parrotrents; http://groups.yahoo.com/group/parrotrents/
Moderator on BirdaholicsAnonymous; http://groups.yahoo.com/group/birdaholicsanonymous/
Moderator on EbayAnimals; http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ebayanimals/
Owner of 1850; http://groups.yahoo.com/group/1850/
Owner of AnotherTielGroup; http://groups.yahoo.com/group/anothertielgroup/
Owner of CatLoversWorld; http://groups.yahoo.com/group/catloversworld/
Moderator on Fish_Mania; http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Fish_Mania/
Owner of MangaFans; http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mangafans
I traded 7 positions on some of the most popular groups out there, for 3 others.Do I regret it? NOT ONE BIT! These 3 are wayyyyyyyyyyy better than all those others put together ANYTIME!
Last year we didnt
Last year we used the central heating which runs on propane and it cost us $1000 for the whole year.
It broke this year so we arent using it but heating the house with the wood stove. Also for the office we use a small oil heater which runs on electric.
The price of propane has doubled this year. We went through 2 tanks of propane last year and it wasent a cold winter. This year is much colder than last so we would probably use more than 2 tanks. At the current price of propane we are saving at least $2500 by using the wood stove.
I would say thats worth cutting wood and using a little more electric, dont you think?
Hope After the Storm
Right now, I decided to find sermon radio on live365. Found one, and the one I'm listening to right now is by C. Elijah Bronner titled Work in Progress. So much great stuff. Its so amazing that I came across just what I need when I need it, I know its Him becuase this is not the first time. Someone is watching out for me :) Bro. Bronner spoke about how when something happens that hurt, God uses it to work on you, make you better! Improvement is on the way, he says. Through a struggle, God is working on you, improving your character. Too much to mention here, so good... Overall message: Pain does GOOD! Is not IS good, but it DOES good!
I really suggest you just listen to it yourself! Right here: http://www.theonlineword.com/s/7256.wma
Also during our family reading this morning some passages really 'lit up' for me. I will list them below with personal comments.
Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret-it only causes harm.
Psalm 37:14 The wicked have drawn the sword And have bent their bow, To cast down the poor and needy, To slay those who are of upright conduct.
Psalm 37:15 Their sword shall enter their own heart, And their bows shall be broken.
--- Even when the wicked (the bad guys) are about to be evil, how-ever it happens, maybe their sword slips, and hits themselves! And their bows break! haha! The wicked can do nothing against the poor and needy or the upright! YAY ^_^ Of course this dosent have to mean literal swords and bows, but also anything the wicked tries to throw at us as children of God. As long as we are trusting in Him, nothing truly evil can happen to us.
Psalm 37:21 The wicked borrows and does not repay, But the righteous shows mercy and give.
Psalm 37:27 Depart from evil, and do good; And dwell forevermore.
--- Choose good. Leave evil. And guess what! You're going to dwell forever too!
I hope you find encouragement in what I have related as I have today.
(Listen to that sermon! It's too good to miss!)
Friday, December 09, 2005
Stuff started piling up. First thing is what I'm having a problem with. Something really horrible happened and I immediately felt responseable. I've been trying to sort stuff out and figure out if I even want to tell anyone else. Mostly becuase I dont want to feel like im starting a pity party for myself. So I dont know what to do. Of course I would like to tell someone, just to get it out, so it would help me get over it maybe, but then it feels almost wrong. The whole reasosn this happened in the first place is becuase I let something happen, just THAT is a whole mess in itself. I want to do something, someone else tells me its gotta be another way but even then theres reasons I agree with the other person but then it has to be the other way because it might cause a problem. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( On top of all this, the afternoon brought problems with my business. (that got figured out just a minute ago thankfully)
Part of me says it was my fault the other says its not. So many things have happened related to this but I saw no way to fix it other than what I'm doing about it now, I tried that earlier on, but someone talked me out of it. Of course then it wasnt this serious.
Hopefully I can figure this out and finally find it to tell someone, becuase I really want to but like I said, I dont feel good about that.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
I just finished a cup of nice ocha atsui :)
Ocha atsui means hot green tea. I dont know how to spell it in Japanese yet, sorry lol.
The jasmine green tea is my favorite at present. Of course there are others I like, such as the Mandarin Orange Spice by Celestial Seasonings. (I have a whole box all to myself :) Other than that one though I'm not a big fan of fruit teas. Ive had the Organic Rooibos tea from NOW also, it was so-so because it has a tendency to taste too sweet.
Ok, heres the directions on how to make perfect Ocha atsui: Take your loose Jasmine Green Tea and get a pinch of tea that should cover the bottom of the cup. Add boiling water, let steep for a minute or two, then gently stir in a spoon-scoop of dark honey. Adjust amount of honey to your tastes. Enjoy! The tea will continue steeping as you sip. ^.^
Yes, I love my tea. *hugs tea* ^^
"True tea isin't in a bag" -me
Monday, December 05, 2005

Thursday, December 01, 2005
Big News
I can understand why its not on the front page, being in a town that lets THE school out for hunting season.

Bad Dreams
Well anyways I had a really sad and somewhat strange dream last night.
I came into my room to find a cat crunching on something on the floor. Kicked the cat out of the room and found remains of red anf green feathers on the floor and blood. It was Indy the cat killed and ate him. :( Some time passed and I 'woke up' from the 'dream' (it was still a dream, dream in a dream as we call it) So I thought I relly woke up and everything was fine. Then I looked for Indy to make sure he was ok but he wasnt in his cage and when I went into the living room there was an old rusty can, in it was the same feathers and blood that I just saw. So in my mind it really happened. I didnt think you could cry in a dream but I was doing just that. Suddenly switched to the next scene and I was opening a letter from someone and it was from a person on the bird group who was sending me a bird named PJCD or something like that, nicknamed PJ. (Another person on the group has a bird named PJ) Well the bird was flat, but I did something I dont know what, and the bird came to shape and 'woke up' or whatever. I guess it was in sympathy of my losing Indy. In the end I really did wake up, sick and nasuous, stomach ache, and saw that Indy was there and fine so I took him out of his cage and spent some time with him and that helped immensely to subdue the bad feeling from the dream. So glad my baby is safe. The fact that there have been some close calls with the cats in the house didnt help the realisim factor either. grrrr baka neko
Strangest dream I've had in a long time. wow :(